Installing WSL in Win 11 and Setting up ZSH
Why would you want to set up WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux) well it will allow you to run many Linux Distros without having to go through setting up a Hypervisor, Dual booting, or other virtualization software. While I feel that each one of these tools has a purpose, sometimes you just need to jump into Linux to test something and jump back out. You also have access to your Linux files in your Windows 11 file explorer so that always a plus. So lets get started.
Step 1: Installing WSL
there are many ways to install WSL this is the one I choose based on documentation from Microsoft.
open PowerShell as admin
wsl --install
this command will install Ubuntu by default for my purposes this is fine.
- If you wish to have a differing distro to see all available distros enter
wsl --list --online
- pick your preferred distro
- Install using
wsl --install -d <distro>"
. enter the preferred distro in the “distro” field to control what distro is installed.
There are many other switches/variables you can use with this command read more about them here.
- Once you’ve entered the command it will run and download and Install WSL.
- A terminal window will open asking you to set up an account and password.
Step 2: Set up Ubuntu as your default terminal application
- Click on windows icon and type in Terminal, click on app if not already opened
- Click on drop down arrow located on the furthest right tab, then settings
- In left pane Startup should be selected if not select it
- For “Default Profile” option select in my case was Ubuntu, your case may differ.
Step 3: Update Ubuntu and Set up Zsh and Oh My Zsh
ZSH is not a requirement but I prefer it along with Oh My Zsh
Updating Ubuntu
- lets update the Linux pre installed packages
- enter in
sudo apt-get update
- the
sudo apt-get upgrade
- agree when asked
Installing ZSH (optional)
- enter the following in terminal
apt install zsh
Install oh my zsh
- refer to the documentation for the latest install script usually use curl
You are all done setting up your Windows Machine with WSL, using Ubuntu and ZSH.
An extra step is to install a code editor my choice is usually VS Code.
Till Next time.